Saturday 3 December 2011

Fish Pie

Yesterdays journey to Leeds Kirkgate Market not only furnished me with the Sea Bass for the Thai Curry.  I also picked up the bits and pieces needed for Tonight's Menu: Fish Pie.

Fish Pie is an other one of those recipes that everybody will have an opinion on.  Do you add boiled egg?  Peas in the sauce?  Cheese in the mash?  The variants are almost as numerous as there are fish in the sea.   I once lived with somebody who insisted on putting crushed ready salted crisps on top of the mash before baking.  It worked, the added salty crunch was good, but I'm not going to suggest you do the same.

I only have one rule when it comes to Fish Pie and that is to have at least three types of fish.  One white; Coley, Cod, Haddock, Monkfish, etc.  One pink; Salmon, Sea Trout, Dog Fish, etc.  Shell fish also pop into this category so Prawns, Crab, Lobster and the like can be substituted here.  The third type of fish is probably the most important: smoked.  Not your florescent yellow nonsense, but naturally coloured lovingly smoked fish.  I'll let you work that one out yourself.  You don't need much but it does make a better sauce (in my opinion).

I have Dover Sole (left over from a previous meal), Salmon and Smoked Haddock.  For some reason I always get a bit excited when buying fish and get home with more than I bargained for.  for this reason I keep a Fish Pie bag on the go at all times.  The Sole was all that was in the freezer today.

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